Fashion and manifestation go hand in hand.

Spring has finally sprung and temperatures are on the up, but before you swap your cashmeres for your culottes, why not take the time to get your wardrobe organised.

You may be desperate to pop on your plimsolls and picnic the day away, but leaving chaos in the closet will only lead to frustration and regret later.

Putting a little thought into your collection and practising ‘wardrobe wellness’ will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and just grabbing the same old faithfuls every day.

Manifesting is one of the hottest buzzwords of the year, as we all strive to rebuild our lives after the oppression of the Pandemic, but the connection between what we wear and the ‘Law of Attraction’ is often overlooked.

Your outfit has more impact on your wellbeing than you might think, feeling good in your clothes literally raises your vibe, puts a spring in your step and boosts your confidence.

Fashion expert Miranda Holder shares all her tips and tricks for sorting your wardrobes (Image: Miranda Holder) Read More Related Articles Read More Related Articles

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This in turn brightens your perspective on the world around you and in line with the key principle of the Law of Attraction - like attracts like - so the world will reflect this more optimistic energy back to you - it’s win win!

Your day will just flow better if you love your outfit, so investing a little time in getting things organized at this time of year is a form of self-care that you cannot afford to miss out on.

Here are my five top tips for getting your wardrobe in perfect shape for spring...

Set the scene - and your intention Set a calming atmosphere to take on the mammoth goals with ease and confidence.

The more love you put into this task, the more you will get out of it, so get into the mood by lighting a scented candle or some incense. If you’re that way inclined you could even clear the space first with a little Palo Santo or a smoking bundle…. This is, after all, a ritual to clear out the old stagnant energy of what's not serving you and consciously envision your life as you want to lead it.

Manifesting may be trending, but it’s not all crystals and cacao ceremonies - how you show up in all areas of your life impacts your future. You are in the driving seat, and only you can design your life, dressing for your dreams is a total game changer.

So pop on those tunes, have refreshments on hand, ensure you won’t be disturbed and set the intention to enjoy yourself.

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